Festivals & Special Screenings
Portland Jazz Festival February 18 pdxjazz.org/events/a-binding-truth-film
Special Screening (private) March 21 Haberman and AdVocation, a DEI Collective
Cleveland International Film Festival April 5 & 6 clevelandfilm.org/films/a-binding-truth
Beloit International Film Festival April 5 & 7 beloitfilmfest.org/films/a-binding-truth
Mount Olivet Church Racial Equity April 27 https://www.moply.org/more-team
The Edina Anti-Racism Collective screening and facilitated community discussion in honor of Juneteenth
June 19th, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Cargill’s Ebony Council hosts a private screening with Accenture, followed by a panel discussion on June 20th
Woods Hole Film Festival August 2 https://woodsholefilmfestival.org/events/abindingtruth/
Port Townsend Film Festival September 19-22 https://ptfilm.org/
Heartland International Film Festival October 8 (Kan Kan) and October 13 (Emagine)
Twin Cities Black Film Festival October 12, 2:50 p.m. The Capri Theater in Minneapolis
Lake Placid Film Festival November 9, 4 p.m. https://www.adirondackfilm.org/schedule/
Sewanee: University of the South November 14th
Special Screening for Black History Month February 20 - 6:30 p.m. Edina Mann Theatre https://www.ticketleap.events/tickets/whirlygig-productions/a-binding-truth
Mecklenburg County Public Health (internal) February 27 INDEPENDENT Picture House
Coming to the Table (National Conference) June (date TBD) www.comingtothetable.org