Your Story is Your Medicine: A Prescription for Healing in an Imperfect World
A memoir written by Shelli Stanger Nelson, the first blind nurse to hold a license and to work as a Registered Nurse in the state of Minnesota. Her story encompasses how she overcame continual catastrophic medical challenges and learned to find lessons for her soul within the devastation. Through Shelli's narrative and reader-based inquiries, the reader is guided on how to live with joy and peace despite past circumstances and a future that is not guaranteed.
A story of how Nelson not only survives, but how her resiliency grows as she discovers where her power truly lies. With trips from this side of the veil to the other she clutches life on more than one occasion. Shelli reaches an understanding about her true nature, the power of surrender, and the limitless possibilities within all of us.
My roles: cover copy editor, copywriter, marketing, video elements, PR Available on Amazon
Suicide Survivors' Club
In this hopeful five-book set Suicide Survivors' Club: A Family's Journey Through the Death of Their Loved One, a mother and her three children ages 5, 7 and 19 share their story after the suicide death of husband and father Don, in 2002. Each family member had a unique story to tell of how the suicide impacted their life, within a book bearing their name: Becky, Pattie, Aidan and Will. Their reflections are captured in their own words and through poignant art by artist/storyteller Laurie Phillips. The fifth book, Parenting the Suicide Survivors’ Club, is a memoir by Rebecca Anderson that gives context to the individual stories and offers the powerful perspective of a mother, wife and medical professional determined to put her broken family back together.
My roles: lead publisher, editor, copywriter, educational program content writer and development, online fundraising campaign, video producer. Available to purchase at
Artist Laurie Phillips talks about the art/narrative process when working with Becky Anderson and her children to create the 5-book set.
Midwest Independent Publishers Association awarded the SSC book set a First Place Midwest Book Award (memoir/autobiography) The only finalist (1of 3) from Minnesota out of a 12-state region.
Forever Ours
Forensic pathologist Janis Amatuzio, MD first began recording the stories told to her by patients, police officers, and other doctors because she felt that no one spoke for the dead. She believed the real experience of death - namely, the spiritual and otherworldly experiences of those near death and their loved ones - was ignored by the medical professionals, who thought of death as simply the cessation of breath. She knew there was more. From the first experience of a patient in her care dying to the miraculous "appearances" of loved ones after death, she began recording these experiences, knowing that they would bring comfort to anyone who has suffered the loss of someone they love. Written by a scientist in approachable, nonjudgmental language for anyone who has lost someone they love, Forever Ours offers stories that can't be explained in purely physical terms.
My roles - creative director, marketing, branding, cover copywriter, landed a publishing deal, worked directly with publisher, website, producer of audio book, speaker agent, pr.
The Grace of Ordinary Days
The Grace of Ordinary Days is a rare glimpse into the lives of a mother and son, Kay and Bernie Saunders. The book combines their art of poetry and photography, but more important unites the art of their sixty-year relationship. Together, they discover that it is never too late to have a courageous conversation, and in doing so, find unsaid love, understanding, and forgiveness. The beauty and richness found in this book are the culmination of their truth.
My roles: cover copywriter/editor/PR