Feature Length Documentaries
Stay tuned for screenings and opportunities to see this feature documentary film.
Stalag Luft III - One Man's Story
Told by World War II prisoner of war U.S. Eighth Air Force Lt. Charles Woehrle, one of 10,000 prisoners in Stalag Luft III - depicted in the movie "The Great Escape." Woehrle’s B-17 was shot down May 29th, 1943. Miraculously he survived, although four of his crew did not. At age 93 this remarkable man and gifted storyteller takes us back with vivid detail as he relives his experiences that include: his last mission, capture by the Nazis, an unexpected parcel from a watch company in Geneva, the 70-mile below zero "Forced March,” and liberation by General Patton after two long years of uncertainty and tremendous hardship. His personal account of how he survived is filled with grit and grace. Charles Woehrle, one of the thousands of heroes from the Greatest Generation, has much to teach us about war and about life.
writer, director, producer - Louise Woehrle
We appeared on the Today Show because of a story about a Patek Philippe watch depicted in our film. It was a beacon of hope for my Uncle Charles and his fellow POWs.
Pride of Lions
Pride of Lions is a feature documentary that presents Sierra Leone in a new light - the story of what it means for a country and its people brutalized by an 11-year civil war to move beyond their scars. Through personal stories of human suffering, loss, and recovery, woven within a 50-year historical framework, the Sierra Leoneans reveal universal truths about the strength of the human spirit and the power of forgiveness to move us forward. The film has been acquired by many Universities and Colleges throughout the US and beyond. (2 versions: 84-minute & 52-minute) co-director/exec producer - John Woehrle, co-director/producer - Louise Woehrle
The Pathway
CBC Documentary Channel national broadcast, 2016 - Feature documentary about the revolutionary Global Pathways School in Southern India – transforming the lives of children, families and communities. Produced by Ravenhead Productions, director Phyllis Ellis, co-director - Louise Woehrle
Sweet Blood
This is an excerpt from a one-hour educational documentary SWEET BLOOD produced through Spoken Song Productions for the Canadian Cree Health Board. "Sweet Blood" won "Best PSA" (2009) through the Native American Film Institute in San Francisco. I worked as producer/writer developing and working directly with the Cree Health Board in addition to 2 weeks "on location" in three remote Cree Communities with director Shirley Cheechoo To view the full 1 hour film click here learn more below! writer/producer - Louise Woehrle
Surviving the Peace
In 2002, Vietnam Veteran Andy Pelecis took his own life. Andy's death drove his daughter, Mara, to ask: "How could my father survive the war, but not the peace?" Souvenirs is a documentary film journey into surviving the peace. Seeking to understand her father, Mara meets with Veterans from all walks of life: Rolling Thunder bikers, Vets for Peace, National Guard members and Native Americans. On this journey, she unearths the elusive layers of her father's post-war inner world and discovers a kaleidoscope of paths to healing after war. Souvenirs - Healing After War, now titled Surviving the Peace strives to spur a conversation about coming home from the war over time, through the witnessing of Veteran's stories. In a time when Veterans Affairs estimates that 22 Veterans take their lives every day, this conversation seems more vital than ever. Directed by Mara Pelecis. producer, Louise Woehrle
A story of two WWII Veterans, one American, one Japanese, who connect 50 years after the war because of son's wish to find the rightful owner of a Samurai sword he grew up admiring. His father Captain Jack Rinn was given the sword by Japanese Major Minoru Kohata at the end of the war. A story of friendship, respect, forgiveness and honor.
Director Bob Richards was my friend. He and executive producer Scott Rinn asked me to step in to tweak the first iteration of his film titled With Love and Respect. We changed the title, opening title graphics and sequence, brand new score, new end credits and title graphics throughout, color correction, as well as some edits within the film. It was an honor to work on this special project. Bob passed away soon after he saw the final cut of BUSHIDO. The film screened in the Lake Placid Film Forum winning "Best Documentary." Bob would have been so proud. He loved this film dearly and put his heart and soul into it. producer - Louise Woehrle
This excerpt is from the educational teen series BE REAL. Tyler (16) talks about perfectionism and depression. She, like so many young women are feeling the pressure to be the "best" in everything, no matter what the cost. I served as the lead creative through the nonprofit Skills for Living. writer, director, producer - Louise Woehrle
Changing Keys
Changing Keys, formerly titled REWIRED follows the physical and emotional journey of Billy McLaughlin, a brilliant guitarist and composer struck down in his prime by focal dystonia, a crippling neuromuscular disorder. A story of a man and his great love, the music—inextricably connected. Driven to play again, McLaughlin’s life depends on it, and he will do whatever it takes to get there. founding creative producer, writer - Louise Woehrle
I am reminded often of this man's great courage, perseverance, and remarkable ability to accomplish what many thought was impossible. Billy McLaughlin is now a sought after Keynote Speaker and uses his story as a platform to inspire audiences around the world.