Shadow Culture Podcast
This podcast serves Veterans and the communities where they work and live. Recorded outside the studio, on location and open to the public, it invites the community to participate in a public conversation facilitated by Host Iraq Veteran Paul Riedner.
Shadow Culture is able to access the stories that mainstream media cannot. Our society is struggling to find common ground among diverse cultures and their beliefs. Shadow Culture is a social platform that will serve our communities to find that common ground.
Paul Riedner, producer/host - Louise Woehrle, producer
To learn more about Paul Riedner and his work please go to: shadowcultureinnovation.com
“I intended to listen to the first few minutes, but the experience was so engaging that I listened to the entire program. This is essential listeneing if I ever heard it. It reminds us of who we are and who we need to be - thoughtful, curious and engaged.”